Busy Thinking Self Aib

  by Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal Islamic Learning
disgrace himself Praise be to Allah, the Lord who has leadeth the way to clean the liver. What a lucky person who would purify his heart. It was losing a dirty heart. Prayers and greetings to our Prophet Muhammad, his family and friends. Why does this self is always busied themselves by talking about the disgrace of others, while 'big disgrace in front of the eye is not considered. Eventually even this self busy wag, talking about 'disgrace his brother when he does not like to talk about. If being compared ourselves and the people who digunjing, may be he is more noble in the sight of Allah. Thus the heart is often distracted by things in vain. Ant across the sea as if invisible, but the elephant in the eyelids as if invisible, meaning that there is shame in ourselves we pay little attention. 'Own your shame You Should Consider a More From Abu Hurayrah, he said, يبصر أحدكم القذاة في أعين أخيه, وينسى الجذل - أو الجذع - في عين نفسه "One of you can see a small dirt in his brother's eye but he forgot the big wood in her eyes." [Ant across the sea appeared, the elephant in the eyelids invisible, pen]. [1] Abu Hurairah discourse is very good. What should we think about is' our own disgrace that so much. We need not bercapek-tired to think 'disgrace of others, or even tell' disgrace our brothers in front of others. 'Disgrace us, we who know better. As for the 'disgrace of others, we really do not know the ins and outs of their hearts. Think of Ourselves Lower From Other People 'Abdullah Al Muzani said, إن عرض لك إبليس بأن لك فضلا على أحد من أهل الإسلام فانظر, فإن كان أكبر منك فقل قد سبقني هذا بالإيمان والعمل الصالح فهو خير مني, وإن كان أصغر منك فقل قد سبقت هذا بالمعاصي والذنوب واستوجبت العقوبة فهو خير مني, فإنك لا ترى أحدا من أهل الإسلام إلا أكبر منك أو أصغر منك. "If the devil gives misgivings you that you were more noble than any other Muslim, so pay attention. If there are others who are older than you, then you should have said, "That person has first believe and do sholih from me, then he better than me." If there are other people who are younger than you, then you should have said, "I have first stained with sin and immoral and deserves more punishment than he did, then he is actually better than me. "Such an attitude should you consider when you look older or younger than you." [2] Why Busy Talking about 'Shame of Others? If we pay attention to the advice above, then indeed we would certainly not want to wag others because of 'shame our own too much. That's what we know. Telling the 'disgrace of others with no intent at all, this is called ghibah. Because ghibah means talking about 'the shame of others while he was not there when the talks. 'Shame is discussed, he does not like to be known by others. Description of the ghibah described in the following hadith, عن أبى هريرة أن رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - قال «أتدرون ما الغيبة». قالوا الله ورسوله أعلم. قال «ذكرك أخاك بما يكره». قيل أفرأيت إن كان فى أخى ما أقول قال «إن كان فيه ما تقول فقد اغتبته وإن لم يكن فيه فقد بهته From Abu Hurairah, he said, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam once asked, "You know, what it ghibah?" The friend replied, "Allah and His Messenger know best." Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "ghibah are you talking about your brother something he did not like." Someone asked, "O Messenger of Allah, how do you think when people I'm talking about was exactly what I say? "The Messenger sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said," If it is true what you're talking about himself, it means you have menggibahnya (menggunjingnya). But if you're talking about does not exist to him, it means you have menfitnahnya (accused without proof). "[3] ghibah and slanders (accused without proof) the same two prohibition. But for ghibah permitted when there is objective syar'i allowed in six circumstances as described by Yahya An Nawawi bin Syarf rahimahullah. Six state is allowed to mention the 'disgrace of others are as follows:

1. Kezholiman acts complained to the authorities or the authorities. Such as saying, "Si Ahmad has menzholimiku."
2. Asking for help to be removed from an act of wrongdoing and to make people who commit wrongdoing are back on the right path. Such as asking the person that is able to eliminate a munkar, "The Grace has been doing this kind of action munkar, help us to escape from his actions."
3. Request a fatwa on a mufti like a mufti asked, "Brother menzholimiku biological has such and such. How can I escape from kezholiman he was doing. "
4. Reminding the Muslims against an evil such as uncovering a perowi hadith memorization bad.
5. Talking about the blatant sinner and heretic against immorality or heresy which he did, not on other issues.
6. Calling another person with the title that he has been doing good with it like to call the blind. But if there is a good speech, it is better. [4]
As for sin ghibah described in the word of God, the Exalted, يا أيها الذين آمنوا اجتنبوا كثيرا من الظن إن بعض الظن إثم ولا تجسسوا ولا يغتب بعضكم بعضا أيحب أحدكم أن يأكل لحم أخيه ميتا فكرهتموه واتقوا الله إن الله تواب رحيم "O ye who believe, avoid most of suspicion, because some of the prejudice is a sin. And do not be looking for bad people. Nor should wag each other. Is there one among you who love to eat the flesh of a dead brother? So you would have disgusted him. and fear Allah. Verily Allah is Oft-repentance, Most Merciful. "(Surat al Hujurat: 12) Ibn Kathir says rahimahullah, "ghibah forbidden by consensus (agreement of the scholars). And there are no exceptions to this unless absolutely clear maslahatnya. "[5] Syaukani rahimahullah Ash said, "Allah Ta'ala Letting ghibah (wag others) by eating the carcasses someone. Because the carcass did not know who ate the meat. This is similar to people who live not knowing who wag her. Such a description of Az Zujaj. "[6] Ash Syaukani rahimahullah again explains, "In the paragraph above is contained cues that human dignity is as flesh. If the human flesh it is forbidden to eat, so did the honor forbidden to be violated. This verse explains that a person away from the action ghibah. This verse explains that ghibah is a supremely ugly deeds. Once tercelanya also people who do ghibah. "[7] If we already know so tercelanya talk about 'our brothers disgrace-no-beneficiaries, then it is that we should abstain from such actions. 'Shame we are actually more because that's what we know. Than the 'disgrace of others, we really do not know the ins and outs of himself. This advice is the advice for themselves because their home's advice is indeed the case. O Allah, show us the way to always fix this soul. Amin Ya Samii'um Mujiib.

[1] Narrated by Imam Bukhari in Adabul Mufrod no. 592. Shaykh Al-Albani said that this narration authentic. [2] Hilyat Awliya, Abu Al Ashbahani Nu'aim, Mawqi 'Al Waroq, 1 / 310. [3] HR. Muslim, no. 2589, Chapter Diharamkannya ghibah. [4] Al-Minhaj Sharh Sahih Muslim, ibn Yahya An Nawawi Syarf, Dar Ihya 'At Turots, second printing, 1392, 16/124-125. [5] Tafsir Al-Quran Al 'Azhim, Ibn Kathir, Muassasah Qurthubah, 13/160. [6] Fathul Qodir, Muhammad ibn 'Ali, Ash Syaukani, Mawqi' At Tafasir, 7 / 17. [7] Ibid.

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