Being a creative parent to his children

Being a parent today requires a willingness and ketarampilan are not 'normal'. Have you ever heard the anecdote about, of all types of schools that exist in this world, schools are not available is the school to become parents. Being a parent in the internet era is not only busy child wishes to purchase the latest mobile phone or computer art. TAPPI also ensure that our children can maximize the functionality of the Internet.
It is true that both the tool can make children become more intelligent and up to date in using technology and (perhaps) could help her duties at school. But more important is not the mastery of technology but of manners or ordinances when our children use technology, it is more important.
Due to be of no use if a sophisticated computer used only by children and our students to games or chat. There is no point also if a sophisticated computer or even mobile phones which then can be a source of disaster for our children later on in the future.
Some important things to note include
1. Do not always connect the computer to learn, if our children are in front of the computer, not always he was learning.
2. Supervise your child's bedtime, the biggest problem in the use of technology in addition to the problem of pornography is a reduction in sleep time our children. Because if it is in front of computer time to pass so quickly.
3. Many parents who have an open mind that learning is not just from books, or computers can help children in learning, used by children. Used in the sense of children busy at the computer with the reason he learns.
4. As parents continue to hone your skills on the internet. No need to go play games, or become an expert internet. The ability of the minimum you should have as a parent is able to send emails and search for information on google. This is especially useful if your child is busy talking about the games or the latest applications on the internet, you can do is type the word in google then you will get all the information needed for consideration as a parent.
5. Give good Web sites for children's learning. With you give a good site to be proof that you are also someone who is always learning.
6. If you are a parent who has a facebook, do not ever write status of origin on your facebook page. If you do want to confide in another way. Any write on facebook status will only make your child think can spit in our personal problems on the internet.
7. Embed this on our children that everything written or posted on the internet will be on the internet forever. Everything that exists on the internet like a tattoo on our bodies, can be lost but still spotting.
8. If you have a junior high or high school age kids, they loved to chat using the technology. This even has become their lifestyle. Strive for them to do this safely, the way is not too much trust in new people.
9. Teach children to always ask herself, if a parent or close family read their status, or see the photos they put on their blog or facebook page about how perasaaannya? Thus making them always to be careful.
Finally, efforts are important and biggest was how to be parents willing to open themselves to learning again, and sat together with the child in order to maintain and protect them in cyberspace and in the real world.
Let us look for new ways as a parent who is more creative than just a ban-ban child or just let the child in the world of internet and technology just because it thinks that the world of the Internet is the world our children and not the adult world.
Imagine if ten or twenty years later if there are people who type the name of our children in google it comes out is all that's fine from our children, such as images when they join an activity or good writing about our kids made by kids us in the past.

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